Sunday, January 6, 2013

Why Texas Has Its Own Texas Labor Law Posters

When the founding fathers of the United States wrote the Constitution, they tried to make sure that the federal government was not too powerful.  Many of the arguments they had centered around the rights of the states and how much power to give to a central government.  They reached a compromise that has so far proven to be fairly successful.  The federal government maintains its power, while the states can also make rules on their own.  One area where this is apparent is in the area of labor laws.  The federal government has established many rules and regulations that describe the rights of both employees and employers, but the states have also come up with their own regulations that must be followed by businesses that operate in their state.

One thing that the states and the federal government have agreed upon is the need to have the labor laws posted in a conspicuous place where all employees can read it if they choose.  Since the states can have their own rules it is not only required to have the federal labor laws posted, it is also required to have the individual state laws posted in a similar location.  If you are starting a business in Texas, you might wonder exactly what you would need on Texas labor law posters to make sure that you are complying with the law.

The state of Texas does follow all of the federal rules and regulations when it comes to the labor laws.  In addition to that they also have added other things onto it.  The first of these posters is the Texas payday law.  This poster describes when and where an employee is supposed to receive their pay.  Posters that explain the rules concerning workman’s compensation also need to be displayed.  Most people do not know what an ombudsman is, but if they read the poster about the Employer’s notice of ombudsman program, they will have information that they might find to be valuable.

Besides these posters and the ones required by the federal government, there are also posters that are required for specific industries, and a poster that business can include that is not required.  The optional poster is known as the Law in Texas.  This poster talks about discrimination in the workplace and that it is not allowed.  A poster called the You have Right not to Remain Silent lets whistleblowers know what rights and protection they have when reporting a business that is not following the law.  The Texas hazard communication act talks about the need to inform employees about hazardous chemicals.  The job service complaint system outlines the different offices that are in place to monitor the labor laws.  These posters are needed in workforce solutions locations, but they can be displayed in other businesses as well.

The state of Texas is like just about every other state in the country.  They have all accepted the rules that have been set forth by the federal government and added their own twists and turns on to them.  This is the way that are founding fathers envisioned things would work.

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