Tuesday, December 18, 2012

California Labor Law Posters add More Rules and Regulations

Most people realize that the federal government has a set of labor laws that all businesses are supposed to follow.  The purpose of these laws is to make sure that the rights of the employees and the employers are protected.  If there were not laws in place, many businesses would take advantage of their employees in order to make sure they make as much money as possible.  Over the years the rules that businesses have to follow have changed.  It is the responsibility of all businesses to make sure that they have labor law posters in place that informs employees about the rights they have and where they can find out more information about these rights.  The posters also let employees know what they can do if they feel that they are not being treated in a fair and lawful way.

The fact that the federal government has set up labor laws will not surprise many people.  Most already realize that there is a federally mandated minimum wage and that businesses are not allowed to discriminate.  What will surprise many people is that the federal laws are not the only ones that businesses have to abide by.  Each state can also have their own labor laws and regulations that may actually exceed the mandate from the federal government.  In California, it is the responsibility of each business to not only have the federal labor laws on display, but they also need to have the California labor law posters on display as well. 

The California posters add several things to the rules that have been established by the federal government.  These include:

  • Minimum Wage: The California minimum wage is actually higher than the federal minimum wage.
  • Payday Notice:  Employers must provide a specific pay date for employees.  They also need to give a location where employees get paid.
  • Emergency Phone Numbers: These show the phone numbers to call for emergency response.
  • Workman’s Compensation Information: This tells employees what they are entitled to when they are hurt on the job and how to get it.
  • Whistleblower protection: This describes the rights of employees who inform authorities if a company is not complying with the law.
  • Unemployment Insurance: This lets employees know when they are eligible and what they are eligible for if they become unemployed.
  • Time off to Vote: This lets employees know that they can be given time off of work to vote if necessary.
  • Pregnancy leave: This describes the job protection that women who need time off due to a pregnancy are entitled to.

Some of the laws that are put in place in California are similar to the ones that are set by the federal government.   They are often times more strict and require the employer to do more for their employees.  It is possible that a business can be compliant with the federal laws and be out of compliance with the California laws.  If they do not follow the rules that are set forth by the federal government or the state of California, they can be fined.  The posters are only a part of following the rules.

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