Thursday, June 13, 2013

Why Is It Important For An Organization To Post The Labor Law Compliance Posters?

A common question that arises in the minds of people who are reading about labor law compliance posters is why they are important in the first place. Furthermore, they are looking for many reasons that would convince them to post the labor law posters since only one reason doesn’t suffice to convince them into posting them. There are several reasons for posting these posters in any organization and while there are many benefits of posting them, there are just as many disadvantages of not posting them. It is up to the organization to see it in whatever way seems suitable to it.

The first reason is quite moral and ethical. No organization would want to send an impression to the employees that it wants to hide their rights and benefits from them. By posting the labor law compliance posters the organization is giving a proof to all of its employees that it is serious in giving them their rights and does not want to hide their privileges from them. Of course, when there are no posters the employees will need to ask these questions from the management or administration and the communication gap between the employees and the employers is a different topic altogether.

Another benefit for any organization for posting these posters is to stay away from the fines that could be incurred by the organization for not posting these posters. Some of the posters are compulsory for organizations to put on the walls or notice boards or any place that is easily visible and accessible by the employees of the organization. If these posters are not posted and a regulating authority finds out about it, the company gets fined and punished in whatever way is mentioned in the law. This affects the image of the organization as a whole as well.

One more important reason that is often hidden from the eyes of many is the prevalence of professionalism and better mannerism in the organization after posting the labor law compliance posters. When these things are constantly in the sight and everyone knows what rights can be exercised, everyone will also know what things are beyond the boundaries and out of professional code of conduct. If an employee knows what his leave bank is or how much his minimum wage should be, he will also know at the same time what his wage should not be and when he’s going beyond limitations in taking leaves.

There are many other reasons for posting the labor law compliance posters on the walls but most of them are found out when the posters have already been posted. Furthermore, since the employees have rights and they must know about it, there is no reason why you shouldn’t post them when you meet all the requirements to post them. Not to mention, ordering the posters in bulks takes their costs down and some agencies will provide the posters for free. Affordability is never an issue when you have to post the labor law posters in an organization.

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