Thursday, January 31, 2013

Labor Law Compliance Posters: What to Keep In Mind While Displaying Them

Since ancient times, men have worked for one another for payment. This was prevalent from agricultural times, when a farmer hired extra hands for working in his fields. They were mostly paid in kind, meaning they took home a part of the harvest for their homes. As society kept on progressing, different avenues of employment became available to man. Due to there being no common rules and regulations on employing people, many employees were constantly mistreated and misused. These led to people realizing the need for ethical treatment of workers and demanded that a set of rules should be made that would prevent maltreatment of workers. Seeing this, labor laws began to be implemented in various countries. Today, different countries have different rules regarding their employees, which help in their proper treatment.

Today, in the United States, one of the common practices followed in all states is displaying the labor law compliance posters. These posters are placed in common areas of the offices and enterprises, so as to provide the employees with all the relevant information regarding their office and the labor laws being implemented in their state. It has been made mandatory by the government of the United States that these posters be placed in all offices. Many employers may not be comfortable with this as they believe that it will enable their employees to take legal action against them. However, this should be followed strictly, as refusal to follow this law can result in strict penalties for the company.

The main aim of these posters is to make the employees aware about their rights, while working in the company. It also tells them about how to address any problems they are facing regarding their employment. Therefore, all these posters must contain valid information regarding the following topics:

  • Employment Conditions: The conditions regarding the employment of an individual to a company should be made as clear as possible during the interview. This should be done by providing a contract to the employee and making him sign it after understanding the implications.
  • Minimum Wage: Apart from federal rulers, every state has laws regarding the minimum wage that should be offered to any employee. The minimum wage requirements should be clearly mentioned on the poster.
  • Working Times and Overtime Allowances: In the United States the maximum hours a person has to work is 8 hours. The working time must be clearly mentioned on the poster to everyone’s notice. Overtime conditions must also be clearly stated regarding extra pay and overtime allowed.
  • Health and Safety: All health and safety related benefits that are provided by the employer, must be made clear to the employee according to the laws of the state and keeping in mind federal regulations too.

Keeping all these topics in mind the, labor law compliance posters must be displayed in areas frequently visited by the employees. As these laws are changed from time to time, it is important that the employers keep updating themselves regarding these laws to ensure proper functioning of the company.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Employment Posters Have Changed for California Employers

It’s going to be a little more crowded on workplace bulletin boards across California this year. Last year, California’s legislature passed, and Governor Jerry Brown signed into law, over a dozen new laws affecting employers in the Golden State. A number of the new laws require changes to workplace posters and notices.

So California employers at the start of this year will continue to face the task of understanding and complying with federal workplace posting rules, and the large number of state employment law requirements which California already had that added to or differed from those in federal workplace requirements. But now, in addition, they will also have to cope with the state’s latest additions to California labor law posters. Most of the posting changes took effect January 1. Here’s a quick summary.
California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) already requires employers in the state to notify workers of employers’ duties not to discriminate or harass on numerous grounds, including sex. Because of a recent enactment, employers must update this notice to note that sex-based discrimination in employment now includes discrimination due to breastfeeding and associated medical conditions. (Employers’ accommodation of nursing mothers in their workforce was also dealt with by a section of the Obama’s administration’s health care reform law; the US Department of Labor is responsible for setting rules and interpretations in the area.)
California’s anti-bias law was also amended to specify that employers’ duty not to discriminate on the basis of religious observances and beliefs, and to make reasonable accommodation, extends to religious-based apparel and grooming. It now explicitly forbids separating employees from co-workers or members of the public as a reasonable accommodation.
Another new workplace posting mandate taking effect this year in California calls for retailers and manufacturers doing $100 million or more in the state to post notices giving information about requires the notice must be printed in English, Spanish and any third language most widely spoken in that county, and conspicuously displayed where it can be seen both by employees and the public. California’s Department of Justice is developing a model notice, which will have to be posted by April 1.
California’s minimum wage remains unchanged at $8.00, but employers operating in San Francisco saw the city’s minimum wage rise to $10.55 at the start of this year, which must be displayed on the mandatory workplace posting. San Francisco also requires employers to post notices on its law requiring paid sick leave for all workers in the city, including part-time and temporary workers, as well as a notice on the minimum amount employers there are required to spend on workers’ health care.

California employers must also continue to post notices on two Family Rights Act provisions, as well as notices on state workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, workers’ right to access medical records and exposure records, whistleblower protections, Cal-OSHA health and safety provisions (including no-smoking rules), emergency contact information, payday notices, and the availability of time off work to vote in elections.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Smart Way to Get Federal Labor Law Posters

When you operate a business, you will usually set goals that you hope the business will achieve.  One of the goals that a business will have is to make money.  The best way to achieve that is by maximizing revenue while minimizing costs.  Another goal that a business will have is to do things within the rules and regulations that are set forth by the industry and the government.  At times the desire to meet this goal will make it more difficult to reach the goal of earning a profit.  There are times when a business has to spend money in order to comply with the rules, but the money they spend to do this does not help them increase their revenue.

One of the rules that a business has to follow is posting the Federal labor law posters in a conspicuous place where all of the employees can see it.  There are many companies that print the posters and offer them for sale to businesses.  For businesses that are watching the bottom line, the idea of spending money on these posters does not seem to make much sense.  They think that the information that is on these posters is widely available and that they do not have to pay for someone else to create a poster for them.  They also might believe that the poster is something that is hung in the workplace, but most employees do not take the time to read the information that is on it.

It is true that all of the information on the printed posters can be found.  A search of the internet will tell you what laws and what information has to be posted in the workplace.  A business can take the time to find all of the things that they need to comply with the law and print them out.  This would be a much cheaper alternative, but it is probably not a very smart business decision.  There are many things that could go wrong if a business tries to do this on their own.
  • It is very easy to leave out some of the information that you need.  The posters that are made will have the federal and state information that you need and are complete.
  • Once you print them out, you will have to find a way to make sure the things you have printed are protected.  You might have to laminate them or put them in a frame.  This could end up costing more than the posters.
  • The rules change.  You need to update the posters on a regular basis.  This could be overlooked if you are making your own posters, but a printing company can ship them to you and make sure you always have the current poster.
These are a few of the things that could go wrong.  A smart businessman will realize that although there are some things that can be done cheaper, they are not always the best way to conduct their business.  The key to making the most money is making smart decisions.  Getting the right labor law posters is a smart decision.

Monday, January 14, 2013

What is the Point of Compliance Posters?

Have you ever wondered how businesses decide how much to pay their employees?  Why are employees given breaks after they have worked a certain number of hours or how come a business has to pay a person if they work extra hours known as overtime?  Does an employee have any rights if they are hurt at work or what if they need to take time off due to an illness?  There was a time in the United States when employees in many companies were not treated very well.  The power was in the hands of the owners of the company.  If a person wanted to make money, they would have to accept whatever conditions the workplace offered.  There are people who were able to build large empires because they could treat employees any way they felt necessary.  Profit for the company was more important than the health and welfare of the employees and the family.

The federal and state government eventually started to change the way that companies ran.  They realized that these empires were becoming too powerful and were benefitting only a small fraction of the people in the United States.  These big companies were broken up and there were rules established about how employees could be treated by their employers.  The standards, rules and regulations help to ensure that all employees are paid a fair wage and are allowed to work in a safe and healthy environment.

The problem with the rules and regulations that are known as labor laws is making sure that they are followed.  It is difficult to enforce all of the policies that have been set unless people report the companies that are breaking them.  In order to do that, the employers and employees need to know what the rules are and how they are affected by them.  The way that this is done is business is through the use of compliance posters.  All businesses are required to post the labor law posters that explain the rights of the employers and the employees.  There are federal labor law posters and there are labor law posters for each state.  It is the employers responsibility to make sure that the current and proper posters are placed in a conspicuous place in the workplace. If the posters are not up, the business could face fines and other penalties.

It is not a difficult thing for businesses to do.  They do not have to be aware of all of the different rules and regulations that belong on the posters.  There are printing companies that will take care of this for the company.  They will offer business a single poster that contains all of the federal laws along with all of the laws for the state that the business is operating in.  The companies can set up an account to make sure that they get new and updated posters on a regular basis to make sure they are always in compliance.  All the business owner has to do is make sure the posters are put in the right place.  It is a small price to pay when compared to the possible penalties for non-compliance.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Things You Must Know About Labor Law Posters to Ensure Your Business Compliance

If you are thinking about starting your own business in the United States, you will have to do many things.  There are plenty of people who have started a business that they operate by themselves, but the goal of most businesses is to eventually employ people who do the work for the owner of the business.  If you are going to have a business that has employees, you need to make sure that you comply with all of the different laws that surround the rights of the business and the employees.  Many of these can be found on the labor law posters that are placed in the break rooms of business around the United States.

There are going to be many things that you will have to accomplish as you prepare to open your business.  It will usually require an investment of time and money to meet all of the needs of your new business.  That is part of what you have to do and it is something that you should not be afraid of doing.  When it comes to the labor posters, the investment of time and money is minimal.  Considering the penalties and fines that you could face by not complying, it does not make sense not to have these posters up in your place of business.

You could take the time to print out the individual posters on your own, cover them in some type of protective frame and place them in your business.  As long as you are able to get all of the state and federal posters that are required, you will be complying with the law.  This method may not cost a lot depending on how you frame the posters, but it can be very time consuming.  It is also very easy to miss some of the information that you need to have posted and could mean that you are not fully complying with the law.  Instead of working hard to get the posters, it is a better idea to work smart.  The internet offers many sites that sell the posters that you need.

When you find a company on the internet that sells these posters, you can check the state that your business is in and you will be directed to the proper posters.  All of the federal and state information that you need is put onto one poster.  The poster is easy to read and is usually laminated or framed.  The cost of this may be a little higher than doing it yourself, but you will be assured of complying with the law.  You will also have to periodically replace your posters with new and updated versions.  These can be automatically shipped to your business to keep you in compliance.

It might not seem like a big deal to get the posters and it is something that is often overlooked when people are starting a new business.  The unfortunate part is that if you do not comply with the law, the fines and penalties that you face might mean the end of the business that you started.  It is not worth the risk.