Wednesday, September 21, 2011

As an employer, you must be aware that whichever state you choose to open your business in there will be various laws and regulations that you are going to have to follow. When it comes to employment, naturally the laws which should be concerning you are labor laws. Every state is subjected to various federal regulations which can be found on federal labor law posters, which you have most likely already encountered if you have been employed in the US. However, apart from these federal laws there is also a slew of state laws which you need to comply to, and if you are planning on opening your business in California, then you know that they have gained a reputation of having some labor laws which are not very friendly in regards to employers. Indeed, if a company is found to be not complying with the laws presented on the state labor law posters, then they are liable to become the target of various sanctions, usually coming in the forms of various fines which can reach sums of more than $20,000; absolute compliance with labor laws is not a choice.

The first thing you need to make sure of as a Californian employer is that you update your labor law posters regularly. As you probably know, the rights of workers are actually quite a recent “invention”, and there are still many laws which undergo regular revision and are subject to modifications. If you are to stay out of trouble in legal terms you must keep your posters up to date seeing as how failure to do so easily qualifies as an offense towards your employees, in the sense that you are officially misleading them in terms of their rights. Also, you must make sure that all of the employees in your company can read the posters; if for example you have an employee working under you who does not understand English, then it becomes your responsibility to translate these posters into a language they will understand. The number of posters that you are going to put up largely depends on the size of your business and the type of industry you are in, seeing as how every type of business has specific rules which apply only to it. Simply make sure to stay up to date with the various changes in the rules which may occur, including on topics such as wage and discrimination.

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