As you may have noticed if you ever paid any attention to the labor law posters which are covering a wall at your place of work, there are various topics of importance which are covered, such as worker’s compensation and discrimination. When it comes to California, it has earned a reputation amongst people as being a state which has put in place countless laws benefitting the employees more than the employers. Indeed, in addition to the federal labor law posters the California labor law posters cover practically every topic related to work that you could think of, including safety, health and employee rights. If you are going to go into some type of business in that state, you should keep in mind that in addition to the afore-mentioned posters there will also be other ones which are applicable only to the specific business that you are planning to run. For example, if you plan opening up a doctor’s office then you are going to have to perform a little search on the internet within your specialty to find which additional rules there are that you need to follow.
Some of the topics which are addressed wherever you go include discrimination, injuries sustained during work, safety and health regulations while on the job, unemployment insurance and benefits, emergency information as well as minimum wage policies (these change from time to time depending on the state’s economic situation, meaning that it would be imperative to keep up with this policy). Apart from that, there is also the IWC Wage Order which is basically there to inform workers on the type of salary they will get as well as their working conditions and the amount of hours that they need to complete.
As mentioned before, simply having these posters up is not going to be good enough, especially for inspectors. You need to make sure that you are keeping these posters up to date seeing as how failure to do so will result in quite a hefty fine. The laws which you especially need to pay attention to are the minimum wage laws, and the ones concerning health and safety regulations on the workplace; they are the ones revised most frequently and as such should be checked upon most often. If you want to find these posters, you have the option of either turning to a company which sells these premade posters, or doing a little search yourself in order to find government websites which are dedicated to these posters.
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