Tuesday, April 10, 2012

State Labor Laws Protecting the Rights Of Employees

Although state labor laws differ from one state to another, there are some labor laws that are applicable in different states though in some cases at different capacities. State labor law posters are mandatory at workplace and thus all employers should comply with the workplace labor law posting requirements in order to avoid fines and other penalties associated with noncompliance. They should also be aware of what posters and law notices they should post at the workplace. Below is a list of important labor laws common in New York labor law poster and Texas labor law poster.

1: minimum wage law

The state labor law posters of both New York and Texas stipulate a minimum wage that all employees within the states should be given. The New York labor law poster has its minimum wage, which is different from the minimum wage set on the Texas labor law poster. The labor law posters provide employees with information on what they should do whenever employers go against this law. They also direct them on where they can forward their complaints on wages once they arise.

2: laws on discrimination  

In both New York labor law poster and Texas labor law poster, there are laws related to discrimination at the workplace. These laws are meant to ensure that all sorts of discrimination at the workplace are completely eliminated or minimized. The laws ensure that no employees are discriminated assuming  their color, political inclination, nationality, sex, age, creed, religion, disability and caste among other factors at the workplace. The state labor law posters also contain equal opportunity laws that are meant to ensure there is no form of discrimination to employees, especially when hiring, promoting or firing.

3: laws on health and safety at the workplace

The federal, OSHA and state labor law posters advocates for the provision of a healthy and a safe working place. This ensures the health and safety of employees is taken into grater considerations. According to state labor posters such as New York labor law poster and Texas labor law poster among others, employers are mandated to provide comfortable, decent and good working environment for their employees. According to the laws, employees have the right to withhold their services whenever their employers fail to comply with the regulations and standards of a better working environment.

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