Friday, July 12, 2013

Labor Law Updates for the State of California in 2013

Labor laws are constantly being amended and upgraded by the state and federal government according to the need that they see. Laws regarding minimum wage need to be updated regularly to keep in touch with the rising expenses and standard of living. Even the state of California is not far behind in providing for its employees in the form of labor laws that are meant to protect their rights. 

All through the last year a number of California labor laws were being prepared to be passed. Many of the laws have been made effective since the 1st of January 2013. These laws are related to workers compensation insurance, payroll tax limits and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. 

The following labor law updates have taken place in California in the year 2013:

  • AB 2370 and SB 1381 Intellectual Disabilities
  • SB 1193 Human Trafficking
  • AB 2675 Employment Contract Requirements
  • SB 1255 Itemized Wage Statements
  • AB 1964 Protection of Religious Dress and Behavior
  • AB 1844 Social Media Password Restrictions
  • AB 2386 Breastfeeding in the Workplace
  • AB 2674 Inspection of Employee Files
  • AB 2103 Wage and Hour Overtime Laws
  • AB 1775 Wage Garnishments: Exempt Earnings
  • AB 2396 Employment of Infants in the Entertainment Industry
  • SB 1038 Transfer of FEHC duties to DFEH

The various updates that have taken place in relation to these laws are required to be displayed in the workplace so that all employees are aware of the changes taking place. Labor law posters need to be updated so that they are compliant with all the changes that have been implemented. You can find well designed and recently updated labor law posters at this link,, and provide the relevant information to your employees. 

Health Care Reforms Instituted in 2013  

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is quite an extensive and complex work of legislation. With over 2500 pages and around 450 provisions, it covers a large number of sectors including small businesses, individuals and up to the Federal government itself. 

According to the PPACA each state is to establish a government agency known as the American Health Benefit Exchange. The function of this organization will be to:

  • Facilitate purchases of health plans qualified by the government
  • Provide all needs for the establishment of Small Business Health

This organization is to assist employees in forming small group health benefit plans. One exchange can perform both the function or a state can put together separate exchanges for each of the functions.
From the year 2014, all employers who employ more than 50 full time employees will be required to provide their employees this coverage or face significant penalties. Further ignorance of this plan will lead to even more severe penalties in the coming years. 

These amendments come at a time when California could make the most of them. In the spirit of these laws all employers must aim to provide the best risk management and safety conditions to their workers so that the productivity will be best. By practicing regular inspections, providing safety training and active claims management you can reduce the amount of workplace injuries and reduce your risks and health costs.

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