The labor laws of the United States are made up of both the federal and states laws. While the federal labor laws stipulate the standards of rights and conditions of service of all employees in the private sector, it also restrict the states and local labor laws dealing with the same regulation of the rights of workers to organize in the private sector. This federal labor laws also apply to a limited extent to federal employees but not on states and local employees, as well as domestic workers. The federal labor laws and regulations provide a set of labor law posters specifying the stipulations of such laws that are to be posted by concerned employers at easily accessible locations at the workplace for the benefit of the employees.
The states and local labor laws are the sets of laws provided to further enhance the provisions of the federal labor laws and meeting various peculiar localize conditions as long as the state laws do not provide protection standards below those of the federal labor laws.
A good example of the convergent of divergent views of federal and state labor laws is the provisions in the both the federal and state labor law posters on minimum wage. Both federal and states labor laws sets their different separate minimum wage rates with the one with the most benefits for workers been applicable. Other areas where states are allowed to set their own labor laws, as long as the provisions of such laws and regulations do not compromise the standards set by the corresponding federal labor laws are Discrimination on The Basis of Race, Religion, Gender, Nationality, and Age; Equal Employment Opportunity; and Child Labor.
A good vivid representation of the different provisions of both the federal and state labor laws is the provision of the federal minimum wage labor law poster of $7.25 per hour, while the minimum wage rate for the State of Florida labor law poster is set at $7.31 per hour. Under such situations like this, the Florida minimum wage rate will be applicable due to having the higher benefits of the two.
What should be known is that both the federal and states labor laws and their respective labor law posters are complementary versions of the laws regulating the labor relations across the nation, with the federal laws superseding the states and local laws and regulations for the benefits of employees in particular, and the employers as well as the general public in general.
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